Ep 55 - The Hustle Behind Lamudi Philippines

Leading a new team after a startup failure is a very difficult thing to do. In this episode, Ronster chats with Bhavna Suresh, CEO of Lamudi Philippines, to discuss how she was able to lead Lamudi to where it is now after she failed in her own startup, Bhavna will share how she started out as a Redbull girl back in college and how she was able to join a successful startup that got acquired. Bhavna also talks about what it was like putting up her own startup and how she was able to bounce back right away after it failed. She will also talk about how expats can thrive in new environments and how can women break through the glass ceiling in this episode brought to you by Payoneer.

Hustleshare is a proud affiliate of Podcast Network Asia

Links mentioned in this episode: 

  1. Lamudi

  2. Oman

  3. Diwali


  5. Red Bull

  6. Mahindra

  7. 22Feet

  8. Proof of Concept

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