Ep 44 - The Hustle Behind Ellana Cosmetics

The hustle behind Ellana Cosmetics is a story filled with its constant and ongoing development. In this episode, Ronster chats with Theresa and Diego Buenaflor, the power couple behind Ellana Mineral Cosmetics, as they hop on the Hustleshare Time Machine and discuss the early days of the company before the boom of online shopping. They share exactly what makes their brand special, as well as both the risks and achievements the company has overcome. They discuss budgeting, finances, influencer marketing, and provide encouraging advice and tips for fellow equally driven entrepreneurs and makeup and skincare junkies.

Links mentioned in this episode: 

  1. Ellana Mineral Cosmetics

  2. Serial Entrepreneur

  3. Multiply

  4. E-commerce

  5. Magento

  6. Shopify

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