Ep 59 - The Hustle Behind Rumarocket

Failing forward and surviving near-death experiences is something not a lot of startups are able to survive. In this episode, Ronster chats with Kathleen Yu and Shao Chew of Rumarocket to talk about how they were able to survive numerous near-death experiences and pivot to product-market fit. Kathleen and Shao also share the big mistakes they did early in Rumarocket's life that led them to really dark paths and how they were able to bounce back from each setback they encountered. Kathleen will also share amazing tips on resilience and endurance that will help founders survive the grind of the daily hustle of startup life in this inspiring episode brought to you by Payoneer.

Hustleshare is a proud affiliate of the Podcast Network Asia

Links mentioned in this episode: 

  1. Chinaccelerator

  2. Startup Weekend

  3. Rumarocket

  4. Emotional Regulation

  5. Start-up World Cup

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