Ep 58 - The Hustle Behind Wavemaker Partners

What does it take to invest in over 100 startups across Southeast Asia? In this episode, Ronster chats with Paul Santos, Managing Partner of Wavemaker Partners, to discuss his journey as a Filipino Venture Capitalist. Paul is going to share how he started his career working in Procter & Gamble and the key experiences he learned that helped him become an entrepreneur. Paul is also going to share details about his businesses where he exited 3 times as a founder. Paul will also share his journey as a VC and the type of hustle it requires to become effective in fundraising and investing in the best startups across Southeast Asia. Lastly, Paul will share amazing tips for founders that can be of help in their journeys in this incredible episode brought to you by Payoneer.

Hustleshare is a proud affiliate of the Podcast Network Asia

Links mentioned in this episode: 

  1. VC Power Law

  2. Deal Flow

  3. Limited Partner

  4. EBITDA Multiple

  5. Deep Tech

  6. Xurpas Buys Wavemaker US

  7. Toby Floro’s email: toby@wavemaker.vc

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